Explore the territory


our collection

Fanini Wine Cellar
Tuscany and Umbria

In the middle of the 20th century the Italian rural areas underwent some significant changes due to the ferment
of industrial development after the end of World War II.
The countryside was gradually abandoned by farmers, who gave up their traditional field cultivation
and cattle breeding and left their rural houses where they had been living for centuries.
It thus happened that for about two decades the countryside was a desolate landscape, with a drastically reduced population
and the land abandoned to its destiny. Few landowners today continue living in their country houses, lovers of nature and open air;
people who scarcely adapt to frenetic city life with its progressive degradation.
In this context, the new Fanini Wine Cellar was created, combining the principles of modern grape-growing with a deep knowledge
of the territory and its productive potential. It launched the new challenge which led to the production of outstanding wines,
greatly appreciated all over the world.